
Showing posts from November, 2017

Forced conversions of Pakistani Hindu girls

Forced conversions of Pakistani Hindu girls Jinnah’s August 11 speech has been quoted time and again to assert state responsibility towards minorities’ protection. Despite this and constitutional protection to minorities, they face many types of persecution. Hindus are estimated to be around 2 percent of the Pakistan’s population. However, it is feared that the Hindu population is dwindling at an alarming rate. According to the Pakistan Hindu Council, religious persecution, especially forced conversions remain the foremost reason for migration of Hindus from Pakistan.  recently in nawabshah sindh the hindu girl bhagwati age 10-12 year old , first she got kidnapped then 2 or 3 days after she apeard in court as muslim and wife of naemat chana ,  when she saw her father in court she couldnt stop her tears and on that she hug her father, she was crying and saying to her father that she forcily converted,  in this age bhagwati was'nt knowing the diffrence