
Showing posts from August, 2017

'inside iam' my world inside my mind

inside i am introduction; inside iam is my book,                which i am writting now in days,my this               book is based on deeply thinking insight                                human mind-....   when i was start discovering myself   deeply  relized that there is lots of googles in human mind,  happiness and sarrow is not pratical when you seeing that deeply you will feel the happiness ,sarrow, joy, or upset is are creation of our own mind these are not naturaly , either difficulties are part of life. in this mortal world, here is not any type of problem those hav'nt solution. family,friends ,enemies , responsebilties are'nt problems, its part of our life,  when you start to taking serious to this world you will feel happy or sad. some peoples get happiness in living alone they love own self ,some peoples are sad and upset because they are alone.