'inside iam' my world inside my mind

inside i am

introduction; inside iam is my book,
               which i am writting now in days,my this
              book is based on deeply thinking insight
                               human mind-....

 when i was start discovering myself 

 deeply  relized that there is lots of googles in human mind, 

happiness and sarrow is not pratical when you seeing that deeply you will feel the happiness ,sarrow, joy, or upset is are creation of our own mind these are not naturaly , either difficulties are part of life.

in this mortal world, here is not any type of problem those hav'nt solution. family,friends ,enemies , responsebilties are'nt problems, its part of our life, 

when you start to taking serious to this world you will feel happy or sad. some peoples get happiness in living alone they love own self ,some peoples are sad and upset because they are alone.                                                                                             happiness is'nt anything to get or buy , its all about relization, sometimes we get happy in taking revenge or hurting someone but ahead victim person were feeling sarrowful on your source of happiness..                                                                                    so happy or bieng upset its depend on your mind, happiness and sarrow is just creation of our mind, without thaughts these are nothing ,

In my, your, and our views how world is big, long , lengthy and unlimited but reality is world just limited with our body ,your   world is 'you'.................................................................--          when world will end you must will end with this world, otherwise when you will end or die  so there will be no more world for you, your world is you, no more,                                our family, friends or brotherhood all humans  are part of this theatracal drama , these are our responsiblty to behave good with everyone,

we all are actors and we have diffrents roles in this drama , so we have to perform good,,! majority of humans forget thier real idienty that they are just actors they deeply get into thier roles , they are'nt ready to back from it , real fact about this drama is we don't know how long this drama will continue , in my views this drama will never end , actors 'll be change and change as they before, 

love yourself is get you to far away from jealousy , sarrows , ego,proud, sad, angry.

this dear zindagi is limited with myself , world is inside my mind...........................................                                     


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