
Showing posts from 2017

Forced conversions of Pakistani Hindu girls

Forced conversions of Pakistani Hindu girls Jinnah’s August 11 speech has been quoted time and again to assert state responsibility towards minorities’ protection. Despite this and constitutional protection to minorities, they face many types of persecution. Hindus are estimated to be around 2 percent of the Pakistan’s population. However, it is feared that the Hindu population is dwindling at an alarming rate. According to the Pakistan Hindu Council, religious persecution, especially forced conversions remain the foremost reason for migration of Hindus from Pakistan.  recently in nawabshah sindh the hindu girl bhagwati age 10-12 year old , first she got kidnapped then 2 or 3 days after she apeard in court as muslim and wife of naemat chana ,  when she saw her father in court she couldnt stop her tears and on that she hug her father, she was crying and saying to her father that she forcily converted,  in this age bhagwati was'nt knowing the diffrence

'inside iam' my world inside my mind

inside i am introduction; inside iam is my book,                which i am writting now in days,my this               book is based on deeply thinking insight                                human mind-....   when i was start discovering myself   deeply  relized that there is lots of googles in human mind,  happiness and sarrow is not pratical when you seeing that deeply you will feel the happiness ,sarrow, joy, or upset is are creation of our own mind these are not naturaly , either difficulties are part of life. in this mortal world, here is not any type of problem those hav'nt solution. family,friends ,enemies , responsebilties are'nt problems, its part of our life,  when you start to taking serious to this world you will feel happy or sad. some peoples get happiness in living alone they love own self ,some peoples are sad and upset because they are alone.                                                                                   

How I feel as HINDU in PAKISTAN

I am loved and respected by everyone here in pakistan, ever i did'nt feel as i am minorty here ,I always feel that pakistan is for everyone, i have freedom, i am very strong here, i don't care how worldwide peoples and saying about my pakistan, in reality pakistan is not extremist country, on social media when i introduce myself as a pakistani to foriegn friends so ahead guys were shocked and asking me, how you live in pakistan ? how you treated in pakistan as a hindu? I won’t deny that I was bombarded with questions regarding the status of Hindus in Pakistan. But being a Pakistani Hindu, I was unbiased and precise with my answers. I told them that I have always felt like a star of my country and I feel safe, which is why I am as loyal as any Muslim in the country. Pakistan doesn’t just belong to Muslims; it belongs to all the residents of its soil. Furthermore, there is good and bad everywhere in the world, but one should stay positive and if it’s  about the security ,

WAKE UP Nation for the future of PAKISTAN

WHAT WE 'll do with nuclear and atom bombs if our peoples 'll be uneducated,, what happens if i am minorty here, i pay every tax so i have right to ask you where is my tax money goings, answer govt , please answer me Mr Prime Minister Of PAKISTAN, We don't Need Metro bus , orangeline Train, or highways. If we need Something so We need #SCHOOL For these childrens There is something seriously wrong with our country which not only fails to educate all its children but also seems to be dependent on them to keep its economy afloat. The country is heading back into the dark ages with only a small percentage of lucky ones receiving education. The number of child labourers in our country is about 12 million. Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful and purest creation of God. They are innocent both inwardly and outwardly. No doubt, they are the beauty of this world. Early in the morning when the children put on different kinds of clothes an

I am Hindu and i proud myself be a pakistani

How Worldwide Media Can say Pakistan is extremist country? In This photo Bilawal bhutto Chairman of large political party in pakistan PPP and chief Minister , sindh parliament Cabinet come In swami narayan temple Karachi And celebrating Diwali with hindus , they Join us In Diwali pooja (diwali reliegous praticse),he join us in our holy pratics, he droping milk on shiv ling here in pakistan we live under one umbrela with diffrents Iddenties, i always feel as 'STAR of my country' Ever we did'nt Feel that pakistan Is One Reliegous coun try, Pakistan Is More secular then ur U.S and Western countries i am just hug Fan Of Bilawal Bhutto zardari, every politician every person in pakistan give us us respect they love us, here we have full freedom of speach, we can build our holy places temples where we want, THIS IS pakistan , where no diffrence between hindu and muslims, here everyone have a equal rights, ON DIWALI many political leaders also prime minister of P