Forced conversion of Hindu Girls seems won't stop in Pakistan

Forced conversions in pakistan

For the last 2 decades the cases of forcible conversions of minor hindu girls have taken frequency. Hardly the tears of first victim dries that a new case arises.
Seems like the series of forced conversations won't stop
Approx 40 to 60 conversions of young Hindu Girls take place in Sindh pakistan every month
Majority of Girls belongs to lower castes , are so powerless that the families know there's no use in them reporting forced conversions to the police , let alone raising a hue and cry ,
That is why only miniscule number of alleged forced conversion cases make it into media

The South Asia Partnership-Pakistan (SAP-PK) released a report in collaboration with the Aurat Foundation in July 2015 stating that at least 1,000 girls are forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan every year.

In thousand conversions of Girls One thing always were common
Each and every Girl converted only for marriage proposal ,

In each and every case First Girls got kidnapped and 5/3days later they appeared by some Religious peoples
And also statement were come by these Religious scholars that she inspired by our Religion and she got married with xyz in legally ,
One question Always raised in mind of common peoples , that, why only females also younger inspired by someone's Religion why not males
And why each and every Girl become wife of someone, if she is inspired by your Religion so why she couldn't and can't became your sister or daughter!

Why only young Girls and women of marriageable age ?
Why don't mature women converts ?
Why is the story always the same -a girl runs away with Muslim man , converts to other Religion and refuses to have anything more to do with her family , who have little choice but to stay quiet?

According to the pakistan law , marriage under 18+ is iligal , but when it is about Hindu Girls so all laws broken by Feudal extremists
Religious institutions are pivotal in promoting this pratice and supporting the conversion of minor Hindu Girls,
However under the pakistan's law minors cannot give informed consent and consent under is void.
Girls are often minors and legally lack informed consent even if they are coerced through the promise of marriage .

Recent few stories of forced conversions
1, Ravita Meghwar
She under fourteen age she got convert and forcely married a Guy who is of her father's age
2, Anooshi kumari
Got kidnapped from Rohri Sindh and after few days she forcely converted

3. Bhagwanti Kumari
Bhagwanti she belongs to nawabshah she has also same story first get kidnapped and convert , in this photo she is crying and hug her father on conversion hearing in court

4 manisha Kumari Manisha belongs to jacobabad Sindh she is 11years old but Got married with 30years old guy After this case in jacobabad Sindh 250 families of Hindus migrated to India

5 Arti Kumari
She belongs to gambat Sindh she is teacher,  she got kidnapped by Feudal Lords belongs to wassan tribe later after few days she appeared from one madarsaa and got married

6 Sonia Kumari
Sonia Kumari she is also under fourteen years she got kidnapped and married with 45years man , her face impression shows her pain

7 arti mehashwari
13years old aarti mehashwari got kidnapped from Karachi and after few months she appeared with different Religion and 40years old husband

8 Sunita mehashwari
She were kidnapped from daabji Sindh and after 6months she appeared with forced conversion

9 moomal Meghwar
She belongs to kunri Sindh she abducted by few extremists and After one month her statement came from one madarsaa that she changed her Religion

10 Shoba Kumari
28 years old shoba MBA Holder
Got kidnapped one month ago in Karachi
By one Rikshaw driver name Mithal Ali
After one month her kidnapping ,
Mithal register an Application that
Shoba is converted and now she is his wife ,
But shoba isn't found yet ,
Police is fully supporting the culprits

There is many other Girls
Lata Kumari, asha Kumari , chandawari Kumari , diyanwanti Kumari , Vijanti Kumari , neelan kolhi ,

Few proofs of forced conversions .
A Hindu Girls kidnapped by few extremists and bring her 300 km far away from her city ,
For six months those few peoples continue raped her , and keep her in prison
They also changed her Religion , however she succeed in run away from those extremists she were protesting and Registered her FIR to police ,
But No action were Taken , ,

Case of Rinkal Kumari
Case of Rinkal Kumari happened in 2012 ,
This case were highlighted in national and international media , protests long marchs held in country and off country ,
She kidnapped by famous extremists and most Active in abduction of Hindu Girls
Barchundi Sharif  with force of public protest she free from extremists by police operation but again they abducted her ,
Because still these peoples more powerful than state ,

Many times she times she appeared in courts and she give statements that she is forcely converted and abducted she wants to go with family
She give this kinda statement ahead of chief justice of Pakistan

But these mullahs refused to back a Girls
They told to media that they will not give back a Girl whatever order of supreme Court or president of pakistan ,
So court postponed for next date

Threats to Hindus in Rinkal Kumari case
These Religious scholars openly publicly threats to hindus and pakistani state
If Rinkal Kumari would give back to Hindus so they kidnap more hindu Girls and bloodshed will not able to stop “””

Anti forced conversion bill

The Sindh Assembly adopted a bill against forceful religious conversions.

The bill recommends a five year punishment for perpetrators, whereas facilitators of forceful religious conversions will be handed a three year sentence.

The Sindh Criminal Law (Protection of Minorities) Bill, 2015, was proposed by the PML-F's Nand Kumar Goklani.

Under the newly passed bill, forcibly converting a minor is also a punishable offence.

Adults will be given 21 days to consider their decision to converts

But few Religious organizations and parties include main stream political parties Jamait islami and JUIF objected
And starts protest

Leaders of religious and political parties have warned the Sindh government of agitation, if the Sindh Criminal Law (Protection of Minorities) Bill, 2015 is not repealed.

Describing it as an ‘anti-Islam bill’, the leaders at a multi-party conference held under the auspices of the Jamaat-i-Islami at Idara Noor-i-Haq on Friday by a consensus resolution, urged the government to repeal the bill with immediate effect.

Governor Sindh refused to clear that bill
And Sindh had to revoke that bill ,

Article by Rohit Rai Duhlani


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