Pakistani Hindu boy commit sucide in protest , against injustice with minorties

In Nasarpur city Sindh pakistan
Narendar/Naresh Kumar committed sucide in protest against injustice with minorties in Pakistan ,
When some Feudal Lords illegally occupied Hindu’s graveyard so Nardesh Kumar raise his voice againts injustice , but when he couldn't do anything so he committed sucide and left 2latters
One letter for his parents and
One latter for pakistani nation

In his last latter he wrote
“Pakistan and Pakistanis are best but system isn't Good anyway “

In his latter he wrote for his family and Nation
“Namaste to all my family members
Papa Ami, and grandma
I am sorry
This is very difficult and painful work to do
But For getting justice we have to Give sacrifice so I am sacrificing my life
I don't want to live in that world where no justice for common person ,
I am complaining to pakistanis ,
Our community faced lot of problems and injustice
Actually pakistanis and Pakistani Muslims are great , but few peoples in this society who do injustice with us I can't fight with them so
I am sacrificing my life to highlight this issue ,
Oh My pakistani brothers please spread this in media and provide us justice “”

The Tragedy of Nardesh Kumar is enough for open our eyes ,
If Nardesh Kumar committed sucide for getting justice so feel how painful life they have lived before ,

It's painful , this is painful moments for his parents ,
He didn't get justice so he leaves this dirty society forever !!!!
 This beautiful flowers couldn't survive in this smel full society
In his last he slapped our system of justice


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