Sindhi universal spiritual Leader Dada vaswani, a gem from Sindhu passed away

Dada jp vaswani is a Sindhi spritual leader
Universally acclaimed as a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer , powerful orator of ahinsa
He leads sadhu vaswani mission
Dada vaswani's mission described as “ever loving and ever -giving
Dada vaswani was known for promoting vegetarianism and animal Rights ,

The vaswani mission has million followers across the world and they runs several schools and colleges and has offices across the world ,

Dada jp vaswani ( jashan parkash vaswani)
Born in Hyderabad (second largest city of Sindh ) 2August 1918
Dada’s mother name were Krishna Devi and father Pehlaj Rai
His father was supervisor of all primary Schools in Karachi

Dada Jp vaswani studied in St. Patrick high school Karachi where he completed his two years of education before his father died ,
The family was plunged into severe fanancial crisis so he had to move Government school , In 1932 dada take admission in D.J Sindh college Karachi he was a brilliant student who obtained his B.S degree at the young age of 17 He got many promotions during his primary and elementary education,
He was awarded a fellowship at the D.J Sindh college for standing first in his class ,

1937 dada vaswani passed his first LLB examination in university of Bombay

Dada Jo vaswani asked his mother to sadhu vaswani to the exclusion of all other pursuits
On the time of partition in 1948 Dada jashan parkash flew out of Karachi for Bombay with his spritual master , sadhu vaswani and seeking sanctuary in India

In 1949 /1954 dada jp vaswani started two monthly magzines
*India digest
*East and West series

1962 dada was a appointed as principal in St. Mira college Pune
Dada set a living example before teachers and students and was dearly loved by them

Dada jp vaswani is author of over above 120 books in many languages
Dada's writing reveal pratical tips on happy, successful, spritual and non-violent living ,

In 1966 when dada’s spritual master sadhu vaswani passed away , dada jp vaswani took over charge of sadhu vaswani mission

Dada JP vaswani has spoken from many prestigious platform including the world Parliament of Religions in Chicago , the world Hindu conference in Colombo , the global forum of spritual leaders at Kyoto
The UN and house of common in London

He was Recipient of the 1998 U thant piece award , given by United Nations

His smiling visage, soft voice and firm Argument for social equality and woman empowerment drew millions of followers from the community,
Such was his credibility that middle class and wealthy Sindhi families from the city have bequeathed their life saving to the mission and even entrusted their children in it's care to work as volunteers

Senior BJP leader LK advani also paid regular visits to the mission to seek dada’s blessings
Indian president and prime minister Ragnath, Indira Gandhi , vajpayi , modi had visited and met dada Jp vaswani ,

 Dada vaswani played such a big role in promoting Sindhi culture and Sindhi language all over the world
He always were saying k Sindhu is his identification ,

Dada jp vaswani passed away on 13july 2018 in Pune India , three weeks ahead of his birthday

What is Dada J.P Vaswani's philosophy and teaching?

The following is a reproduction of a section of Dada's article in East and West series, May 2000 titled “What life has taught me.”
1. In the endless adventure of existence, God and man are comrades. God is our one unfailing companion. He will never leave us. We may try to run away from him. But he will continue to follow us as our own shadow. In the words of Thompson, he is the “Heavenly Hound.”

2. There is a meaning of mercy in everything that happens to us. For God is All-love. He is All-wisdom. He is too loving to punish, too wise to make a mistake. Whatever happens in the Divine Providence happens for our own good. Nothing happens a moment too early or too late…..therefore wherever God takes us, let us go, wherever he keeps us, let us remain. Let us never forget that all is well, all was well, all will be well both tomorrow and a hundred years hence.

3. When man surrenders himself to God, He takes upon Himself his entire responsibility. All we need to do is to hand ourselves over, in childlike trust to the Lord. And the angels of God will go ahead of us to clear the way.

4. Thought is a tremendous force in the life of any individual. Thoughts shape our attitudes. Attitudes mould our character. Character influences our life. By changing our thought pattern, we can change our life.

5. Problems and challenges are not a dead end; they are only a bend in the road. Problems are not stumbling blocks; they are stepping stones to a better, richer, more radiant life. Not unoften, problems become the door through which God enters our life. We have surrounded ourselves with hard shells which keep God away from us. Problems crack the shell and God easily enters our lives.

6. Neither rites nor rituals, neither creeds nor ceremonies are needed to improve the condition of the world. All that is needed is to love one another.

7. Are you anxious to love God? Then you must be prepared to lose yourself.

8. Do you want God to be yours? Then you must first become his!

9. How may we know that we are drawing closer to God? The closer we draw to God, the more tender and compassionate become our hearts to the needs of those around us.

10. What is the best exercise for the heart? Reach down and lift up as many as you can.

11. Misfortunes are blessings if we handle them well. They are like knives which hurt or help as we hold them by the blade or handle.

12. Life is too short to be spent in fault-finding, holding grudges, or keeping memory of wrongs done to us. Forgive even before forgiveness is asked. Forgive and forget


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