Krishna Kohli A First Dalit Elected Senator But there is No Dalitism in Pakistan

National and international Media from last few weeks showing in their news that
Krishna Kumari kolhi a First Dalit Elected senator in Pakistan's upper parliament House , she came forward by Pakistan peoples Party ,

The fact is that In pakistan I never Listened someone is bieng called Dalit ,
What is Dalit where from this word comes?
Dalits are counted in scheduled castes India
Dalit, meaning "broken/scattered" in Sanskrit and Hindi is a term mostly used for the castes in india that have been subjected to untouchbilty Dalits were excluded from the four-fold varna system of Hinduism and were seen as forming afifth varna, also known by the name of Panchama. Dalits now profess various religious beliefs, including Buddhism, Christianity and Sikhism., 

In India Dalit counted as other Religious Group, there is qouta system for dalits in India , 
As 5%qouta system for Minorities in Pakistan ,
The term dalits was in use as a translation for the british raj census classification of Depressed Classes prior to 1935, 

Yes she is belongs to Thar,  one of backward Area of sindh , 
People's of Thar aren't educated as much 
There is many financially problems which suffered by Thari peoples, 
They have different culture and different type of Language , different dress codes , 
On behalf of differences in language, and dress we can't Make her Apart from other Pakistani Hindus , 
Kolhi community of pakistan and Dalits in India have some similarities like same dresses and talking styles , 

If one community is poor and Not enough educated so we shouldn't count them in lower casts , 
People's of thar haven't enough sources of earning , And educational services isn't provided by Governments, 

Krishna's Grandfather was a Great freedom fighter and her brother veerji kolhi also struggled alot and Raised his voice for his community , 

One Woman from backward Community is comes in Senate of pakistan is Goodwill Gesture, 
She's belongs to Noble family and No doubt she is Clean Heart 

But as a Hindu I can't keep as much expectations because I know 
Which Pakistan peoples Party bring her  in parliament she's has to Run, speak , and moving towards according to PPP's policy , 

There is also too many Hindu parliamentarians in Pakistan but I didn't see ever they raised thier voice and fight for Pakistani Hindus Rights 
I never see ever they stand against injustice happend with pakistani Hindus , 

Many I feel that My Hindu parliamentarians are Not More than Munshis (Financial Manegar) of political parties in Pakistan , 

Bieng Senator of krishna kolhi is a as like .     Lollipop for Liberals Given by PPP     for hiding their failures, 

This Article written        ByRohit Rai pH: +923223167029


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