Amazing sheepherder boy , there is so much pain behind his beautiful smile

I met One 11years old sheepherder boy in Rohri Sindh pakistan he was owner of amazing natural attractive behavior ,
When I saw his smile I was attract by his smile and I tried to talk with him ,

When I start to communicate I felt he isn't typical boy he is some different
When I asked him that do you go to school ? On my question he went upset and with crying expressions he replied No I don't go to school
Again I asked him why you don't go to school he Replied I also wish to go school with Boys want to play in school I love to wear dress and take a bag with full of books
But I am helpless I can't go to school and I will not tell you why because it's my family matter!

When I insist him for tell me the reason why he don't go to school
He told me his parents don't let him for school ,
His parents what he will get after recieving education , they are also poor and they can't afford good education ,

He told me he come from home 6am with his 20sheeps and 10cows for providing gross to cows ,
I asked him do you have friends (they are living in town not village)
He replied I don't have friend because where I am living there boys of my age are going to school and they are well dressed ,

I asked ever you tried to keep friendship with them ,
He replied yes he tried many times but he failed when he go to those kids for friendship purposal so they always refused and saying him
We can't keep friendship with you because our parents restricted us to , don't talk with illiterate peoples and don't walk with dirty peoples ,

He says me "I am beautiful as I am, I don't care if peoples call me dirty , my dress isn't enough clean but my heart is Crystal, my mom always said me you are most beautiful and handsome guy in this world "

I asked him can I meet your mother ! On my question he was crying and saying he miss so much his mom his mom passed away 2years ago , he told me they hadn't enough money for his mother's treatment so he couldn't do anything for his mother ,

He makes me cry , later I realized there is too much pain behind his beautiful smile ,

His gossips were interesting , even he don't believe in any Religion ,
He loves one girl he asked me for some tips and suggestions for how purpose his Girl ,
He was an emotional but at same he was Good human being and laughter person too ,

I tried to give him some money but he refused and told me he don't need beg he is able to earn , he is hard worker ,
I insisted him and told him Take this as a gift but again he refused and express he don't want to become gift addict he is so much happy where he is ..............

After meeting with that guy I realized money isn't everything ,
Peoples living so much happy without anything ,


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