Varna, caste system one Ugliest thing in Hindus, and it's based on fake Myth

Hindus have diveded their Society into four major varnas, (castes )
Orginal meaning of Word Varna is “color or class”
(Priest , pandits and Teachers)

(Warriors and Rulers )

(Farmers , employes ,  traders, and Merchants)

4- Shudras
(Labourers Lower class)
[DALITS (outcasts A term used in India )
They mostly working as
Sweepers and Lower works ,

The Barhman , kshatriya and vaishyas can keep contact and make Relations each other , but the Shudra cannot make contact or Relationship,
Still Today at Many places even in Pakistan
Shudra (Dalit) aren't allowed in Temples ,

Many peoples in India accept that
“If they will touch any Dalit they will be impure , seeing Dalit is sin, etc etc

There is certain struggle between Brahmin and Dalit ,
This Brahmin is the Highest caste , and the sudra (Dalit ) is lowest caste. There is struggle, a five thousand years old struggle ,
Thousands of Shudras have been killed , murdered, butchered , Burned alive
Even today that continues for small excuses ,

Where from this caste system comes !
It comes from MANU simirti (Hindu’s famous scripture )
A thousands years Old book ,
There is mentioned the lower caste Peoples will Remain lower caste always and they are created for slavery ,
When I start to Reading Manu simirti
I found many non logical things and Realized k
It's based on fake Stories and Myths
When we were five years old we learned these things from Our Religious pandits
Religious leaders taught us Never questions or doubt on us and on our Religion ,,either
You will be in hell
Means they snatched our option of thinking in younger Age !
As Adolf Hitler said in his Book
When you continues speaking lie with authority for years so it will become Truth ,

Finally wrong will not become right because 99.9% population were doing it. Right is always right even if 0.1% of population is doing it.

How Manu could be such as Hypocrite he wrote againts one poor community
If Manu Simirti is a divine Book so how God could be Such as cruel with One Humans class they are also their childrens ,

In India’s many villages you will find two water Wells, one well for higher castes , the three castes, the Brahmins , the kshatriya and business class (Hindu Baniyaas)
And the sudras, the untouchables have a second well , the Shudras aren't allowed to take water from the same well ,

Sometimes there is happens that those poor peoples cannot manage to have a deep enough well and they are very Poors , in summer their Wells Dry up, they have to go miles to a River to lake bring water ,

These poor untouchables, the sudras live outside the town , they don't live inside the town ,
Hindus have condemned those poor people so much that even if their shadow passes over you ,
You are sitting and a Shudra passes by , not touching you but his shadow touches you -its enough to create a Riot

In old days they clean the latrines of higher class so certain hours early in the morning before anybody gets up , he would come and quickly clean the latrines.
But even then perhaps somebody may have gone for morning walk -
He had to go on doing two things, He had to shout ,
I am coming IAM Shudra please move away if you are somewhere on way

Caste system has given scope for religious conversion. The lower caste people are getting converted into Islam and Christianity due to the tyranny of the upper castes.
The caste system by compelling an individual to act strictly in accordance with caste norms stands in the way of modernization, by opposing
Caste-based differences are practiced in other religions like Nepalese Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. But the main difference is – caste system in Hinduism is mentioned in its scriptures while other religions adopted casteism as a part of socialization or religious conversions. In other words, caste system in Hinduism is a religious institution while it is social in others.

Varna system or varn vyavastha as it is called was prevalent in the Vedic era .It is like professionalism ie you become a teacher , a defence personnel ,a businessman or a helper depending upon your qualifications and other capabilities .

Just as it is not necessary that a teachers son becomes a teacher or a defense personnel son becomes a defense personnel …….he is free to take up any profession in accordance with his qualification and capabilities .

This was put in a book form by sage Manu called as Manusmritti .

Later on some self centred people changed it to casteism .Now the professions were carried on by birth and not by qualification an unqualified Brahmins son would become Brahmin and a shudras son eould remain a shudra .That is where corruption engulfed the noble thought of Manu ,

geeta..rigveda..ramayan..mahabharat and every scriptures have stories and verses from where it can easily be infered upon that..caste system was on the basis of work..rather on the basis of birth..

Caste system in India and pakistan is undergoing changes due to progress in education, technology, modernization and changes in general social outlook. In spite of general improvement in conditions of the lower castes, India has still a long way to go, to root out the evils of the caste system from the society.


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