
Forced conversion of Hindu Girls seems won't stop in Pakistan

Forced conversions in pakistan For the last 2 decades the cases of forcible conversions of minor hindu girls have taken frequency. Hardly the tears of first victim dries that a new case arises. Seems like the series of forced conversations won't stop Approx 40 to 60 conversions of young Hindu Girls take place in Sindh pakistan every month Majority of Girls belongs to lower castes , are so powerless that the families know there's no use in them reporting forced conversions to the police , let alone raising a hue and cry , That is why only miniscule number of alleged forced conversion cases make it into media The South Asia Partnership-Pakistan (SAP-PK) released a report in collaboration with the Aurat Foundation in July 2015 stating that at least 1,000 girls are forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan every year. In thousand conversions of Girls One thing always were common Each and every Girl converted only for marriage proposal , In each and every case

Pakistani Hindu boy commit sucide in protest , against injustice with minorties

In Nasarpur city Sindh pakistan Narendar/Naresh Kumar committed sucide in protest against injustice with minorties in Pakistan , When some Feudal Lords illegally occupied Hindu’s graveyard so Nardesh Kumar raise his voice againts injustice , but when he couldn't do anything so he committed sucide and left 2latters One letter for his parents and One latter for pakistani nation In his last latter he wrote “Pakistan and Pakistanis are best but system isn't Good anyway “ In his latter he wrote for his family and Nation “Namaste to all my family members Papa Ami, and grandma I am sorry This is very difficult and painful work to do But For getting justice we have to Give sacrifice so I am sacrificing my life I don't want to live in that world where no justice for common person , I am complaining to pakistanis , Our community faced lot of problems and injustice Actually pakistanis and Pakistani Muslims are great , but few peoples in this

Sindhi universal spiritual Leader Dada vaswani, a gem from Sindhu passed away

Dada jp vaswani is a Sindhi spritual leader Universally acclaimed as a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer , powerful orator of ahinsa He leads sadhu vaswani mission Dada vaswani's mission described as “ever loving and ever -giving Dada vaswani was known for promoting vegetarianism and animal Rights , The vaswani mission has million followers across the world and they runs several schools and colleges and has offices across the world , Dada jp vaswani ( jashan parkash vaswani) Born in Hyderabad (second largest city of Sindh ) 2August 1918 Dada’s mother name were Krishna Devi and father Pehlaj Rai His father was supervisor of all primary Schools in Karachi Dada Jp vaswani studied in St. Patrick high school Karachi where he completed his two years of education before his father died , The family was plunged into severe fanancial crisis so he had to move Government school , In 1932 dada take admission in D.J Sindh college Karachi he

Amazing sheepherder boy , there is so much pain behind his beautiful smile

I met One 11years old sheepherder boy in Rohri Sindh pakistan he was owner of amazing natural attractive behavior , When I saw his smile I was attract by his smile and I tried to talk with him , When I start to communicate I felt he isn't typical boy he is some different When I asked him that do you go to school ? On my question he went upset and with crying expressions he replied No I don't go to school Again I asked him why you don't go to school he Replied I also wish to go school with Boys want to play in school I love to wear dress and take a bag with full of books But I am helpless I can't go to school and I will not tell you why because it's my family matter! When I insist him for tell me the reason why he don't go to school He told me his parents don't let him for school , His parents what he will get after recieving education , they are also poor and they can't afford good education , He told me he come from home 6am with his 20sheeps and 10c

Varna, caste system one Ugliest thing in Hindus, and it's based on fake Myth

Hindus have diveded their Society into four major varnas, (castes ) Orginal meaning of Word Varna is “color or class” 1- Barhmins (Priest , pandits and Teachers) 2- Kshatriyas (Warriors and Rulers ) 3- Vaishyas (Farmers , employes ,  traders, and Merchants) 4- Shudras (Labourers Lower class) [DALITS (outcasts A term used in India ) They mostly working as Sweepers and Lower works , The Barhman , kshatriya and vaishyas can keep contact and make Relations each other , but the Shudra cannot make contact or Relationship, Still Today at Many places even in Pakistan Shudra (Dalit) aren't allowed in Temples , Many peoples in India accept that “If they will touch any Dalit they will be impure , seeing Dalit is sin, etc etc There is certain struggle between Brahmin and Dalit , This Brahmin is the Highest caste , and the sudra (Dalit ) is lowest caste. There is struggle, a five thousand years old struggle , Thousands of Shudras have bee

Krishna Kohli A First Dalit Elected Senator But there is No Dalitism in Pakistan

National and international Media from last few weeks showing in their news that Krishna Kumari kolhi a First Dalit Elected senator in Pakistan's upper parliament House , she came forward by Pakistan peoples Party , The fact is that In pakistan I never Listened someone is bieng called Dalit , What is Dalit where from this word comes? Dalits are counted in scheduled castes India Dalit , meaning "broken/scattered" in Sanskrit and  Hindi  is a term mostly used for the castes in india that have been subjected to untouch bil ty Dalits were excluded from the four-fold varna system of Hinduism and were seen as forming a fifth varna , also known by the name of  Panchama . Dalits now profess various religious beliefs, including Buddhism, Christianity and Sikhism.,  In India Dalit counted as other Religious Group, there is qouta system for dalits in India ,  As 5%qouta system for Minorities in Pakistan , The term  dalits  was in use as a translation for the british